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         ABOUT US

Matt Kelly


Our lives are healthier, more gratifying, and fulfilled when we’re in the comforts of sustained positive energy and support from the people we love.

Receiving positive energy and support is the key element to us having the freedom to live our best lives…it’s safe to say we all face challenges; nobody gets through life unscathed. Positive energy and support from loved ones are what allows us to overcome difficult times, dream big, and excel in life.

My 23 years of working with and competing against women in real estate, and being married for 22 years to a strong, determined, and incredibly intelligent woman has led me to ponder why women don’t always play a bigger game in business!

Life is a balancing act…on many fronts, with the greatest of all being the relationship between men and women. As from the beginning of time until the end of the world, we will walk the planet together.

Many women want to have successful careers– yet feel unsupported in that desire. Why? Does she fear her success will alienate men? Is she justified in that fear? Men that support their strong, career-oriented partners know & understand the incredible relationship that is built between 2 people when both are supported in living their lives to the fullest.

The BalancingUs podcast believes that men and women are stronger together when they move past fears and support each other to live their fullest lives and highest purpose. We explore the dynamics of what it is that allows men and women to thrive together when both are fully
supporting each other’s dreams.

I remember a saying from the brand Nike: “There is no finish line!”
It’s a perfect slogan for this podcast, because there are so many perspectives, experiences, life lessons, approaches, and questions to share.

The mindset and stories that my guests share will no doubt help 1,000’s of others that haven’t been exposed/haven’t had a chance to realize that enriching their partners is the most rewarding mindset to living all of our Best Lives!!

Matt Kelly


Our lives are healthier, more gratifying, and fulfilled when we’re in the comforts of sustained positive energy and support from the people we love.

Receiving positive energy and support is the key element to us having the freedom to live our best lives…it’s safe to say we all face challenges; nobody gets through life unscathed. Positive energy and support from loved ones are what allows us to overcome difficult times, dream big, and excel in life.

My 23 years of working with and competing against women in real estate, and being married for 22 years to a strong, determined, and incredibly intelligent woman has led me to ponder why women don’t always play a bigger game in business!

Life is a balancing act…on many fronts, with the greatest of all being the relationship between men and women. As from the beginning of time until the end of the world, we will walk the planet together.

Many women want to have successful careers– yet feel unsupported in that desire. Why? Does she fear her success will alienate men? Is she justified in that fear? Men that support their strong, career-oriented partners know & understand the incredible relationship that is built between 2 people when both are supported in living their lives to the fullest.

The BalancingUs podcast believes that men and women are stronger together when they move past fears and support each other to live their fullest lives and highest purpose. We explore the dynamics of what it is that allows men and women to thrive together when both are fully
supporting each other’s dreams.

I remember a saying from the brand Nike: “There is no finish line!”
It’s a perfect slogan for this podcast, because there are so many perspectives, experiences, life lessons, approaches, and questions to share.

The mindset and stories that my guests share will no doubt help 1,000’s of others that haven’t been exposed/haven’t had a chance to realize that enriching their partners is the most rewarding mindset to living all of our Best Lives!!